Disidentification with Form – Part I

I find Eckhart Tolle’s teaching very inspiriting.

Dissolving one’s ego, being in the now, internal freedom, benevolent existence, “as within so without” which are all synonymous to the same ‘thing’ – existence in its purest and most fundamental way.

How do you teach your kids that one’s existence is detached from form? That the later is a result of consciousness and by disidentification with form one can obtain his freedom?

Here’s a quote from Eckhart’s lecture:

“Effort means really you’re seeing yourself in something. Everything, when you’re seeking yourself in it is effort” (04:41 minutes).

And here the link to this lecture: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW6-iD713No

How do you keep the balance between facilitating this deeper understanding on the one hand and having your kid’s legs anchored in the ground on the other?