What are life skills for kids

What are life skills for kids

What do you think about the following sentence "life skills will help your kid do better in school" ?
Most, if not all, of us will agree that persistence, for example, will help our kid in elementary school, junior high, collage...  yet, should we as parents teach him life skills in order that he’ll do better in school? Nope, I don’t think so.

Life skills should be thought in order to enable our kids to choose - choose what they want to become, which profession that want to hold, whom they would choose as they partner, where to live, what to eat. Choosing people are happy people; they are a cause over life and not a result of it. If they choose to do well in school or even develop an academic carrier, all in the name of their free choice, great!

For us at JadeLifeSkills.com life skills will be any ability that contributes to our child’s happiness. In a more fundamental level, it’s any ability that enables him to choose. Happiness is the result of inner freedom, of lack of internal barriers of really choosing.

The more challenging question is what core of skills are in direct correlation with extending our child’s ability to choose.  We can rightfully say that financial knowledge - how to manage one financial asset is a very important life skill because money, as a mean to an end, extends the scope of choice.

Acquiring specific knowledge, as the financial example above shows, is important. Yet, we think that there is a more fundamental layer that, when speaking about knowledge for example deals with how we acquire knowledge, whether financial or any other kind of new data.

Life skills dorm in the realm of one’s inner world - the way one perceives the world, analyze information and the mental - emotional processes one undergoes that then reflect on what other people can see. Life skills are in their essence, the building blocks of the manifested world around us.